Lucy, from Phoenix, called us to talk about training for her puppy Gracie, a Yorkshire terrier, who had no training and was starting to be a cause of problems between her and her roommate. Gracie was peeing on the carpet, barking every time the doorbell rang, pulling on a leash and had no understanding of boundaries and personal space with the people inside the home. Lucy wanted quick help so she no longer had to deal with the issues and would have a better relationship with her roommate.

During our initial visit, Lucy knew she needed to make a lot of changes with her relationship with Gracie since she admittedly said Gracie “gets away with murder”. She wanted Gracie to walk nicely on a leash, so she didn’t feel like she was choking Gracie, listen and understand commands both inside and outside the home and have a clear understanding of where to go potty.

Lucy signed Gracie up for our Boarding School program and immediately we got her right into a potty training routine, which included crate training to help her learn how to hold her bladder. We started her with simple command training because she was a bit resistant to the changes they made and got her walking well on a leash. By the end of her training stay Gracie came when called, would politely go to her “place” and “lay down”….at times spending up to a couple of hours resting. She even was taught how to walk on a dog treadmill that helped her to overcome some fears that she had with the vacuum.

After Gracie went home Lucy updated us with pictures of how well Gracie was doing after her stay. She also only had a few minor issues to resolve when we did our follow up lessons [which are included with the lifetime support]. Gracie no longer goes potty in the house and started to tell Lucy when she needed to go outside. She could walk around her entire apartment complex without reacting to other dogs on leash and was told on many occasions by neighbors that she wasn’t the same dog that they remembered just weeks before.