Patricia, from Phoenix, called us to see if we could help get her cat chasing, pulling on leash, unreliable at commands Australian Shepherd under control so she could actually enjoy him. Patricia got Piper as a puppy from a breeder and admitted that she lacked consistency with training as a puppy. Piper has a housemate whom he gets along with well, but did not have much socialization with other dogs growing up. Patricia had then decided she wanted things to change with Piper [and herself] so she could build trust and companionship with him.

After sitting down for our initial visit, Patricia felt much more comfortable with going through the training process with Piper because she understood better how she needed to change the ways she was communicating with him. This included how and when to say commands, working with a new leash and collar and how to better give Piper discipline and rewards when needed.

Patricia signed Piper up for our Boarding School program where Piper excelled at learning commands and leash walking. He did so well that he was the fastest dog to start going out in public to work on his commands with heavy distractions. Toward the end of his training stay Piper only needed a command said once and even did them when said in hushed tones.
Patricia has also excelled in her education. So much in fact that she decided to enroll them into an agility class where every Saturday they now spend the morning going over hurdles, through tunnels, and over jumps like champions! She has even decided to enroll him in his first competition where we are all sure he will come out on top. Oh, and those cats he loved to chase [or try to] around the neighborhood are no longer a concern!